Sunday, 2 November 2008


Finding space and solitude outside the franticness of life is often so difficult. How crowded our lives have become in this modern life. We fill our days with meanigful tasks, work and play and before long we find that once again we have neglected ourselves.

Taking time for ourselves is so very important, whatever that means for you. I am learning how important it is for me to step back from the buzz and find that space.

We often worry about what others think of us and when we have children this is heightend as we worry about what others might think about our parenting, our values and our standards.

In our classes we strive to create a non-conformist environment. You will notice that it is OK for one child to wander and another to sit and rock. You will soon learn that there is no one correct way to play those rhythm sticks but a whole array of different ideas. You will realise that we do not seek to control but rather to bend and move to accomodate all the beautiful differences that walk in through our doors.

Whether you are struggling with the constraints that life brings or full of new enthusisum for it, there is a part for you to play and we value your participation for what it brigns to the mix.

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