Monday 18 May 2009

Imagine That Week 10

“[T]he successful minds of the future will be those that have learned what it feels like to be in charge of themselves. They will be able to direct their own attention and come up with their own action plans.”*

Through activities such as Three Artists Matching Game and Moving Artists, your child is encouraged to offer her own ideas, to answer open-ended questions, to consider options; in other words, to come up with her own plan. It is through multi-layered activities such as this, always presented so as to be engaging for young children, that Kindermusik continues to spark learning in so many areas of your child’s life. I hope that you find Kindermusik is an important part of your child’s growth and life experiences.

Be sure to look in your home activity book week 10 for some ideas for how to make a bell. You can explore as many ideas as you like. You might find an object that looks like a bell which you could adapt to sound like a bell, or you might find an object which sounds like a bell.

We would love to see your bells in class if you remember.

P.S. Remember to bring your Kindermusik Resonator Bars and Mallets to the next class.

*How to Have Intelligent and Creative Conversations With Your Kids, by Jane M. Healy, Ph.D., p.13.

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