Tuesday 2 June 2009

The Rhythm of my Day Week 4

This week we heard music from England, Scotland, The Virgin Islands, Jamaica, and many regions of the United States. By exposing your baby to a variety of music from many cultures, you’re helping her build a large library of musical tastes and appreciation from which to choose.
Not only is this important for her musical development, but it helps her to learn to listen more carefully and be more open to new experiences.
Baby is first exposed to rhythm in the womb. She hears her mother’s heartbeat and then, after birth, her own. African and Indian music traditions have brought syncopation and other rhythmic complexities to our ears, weaving these rhythms into current Western culture. Exposing Baby to this variety will help her develop her abilities to listen and produce these rhythms more easily.
“People and rubber bands have one thing in common; they must be stretched to be effective.” John Maxwell

See you next week!

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