Monday 8 June 2009

Young Child Lesson 27

As the semester nears the end, we are busy, busy, busy integrating all the information and concepts that have been presented this year: auditory discrimination (among woodwind instruments), note reading (the new note g’), musical concept (staccato/legato singing and dancing), choreographed movement (as in “Hop, Old Squirrel”), and more!

The Young Child student is just the right age to use the information she has learned to create her own music using her own ideas. Can your young child create metaphors such as “The grasshopper is a bouncy ball” and portray this sound on her glockenspiel? Encourage this type of exploration to solidify concepts and to maintain excitement about the instrument. Balance the exploration with careful study of today’s song “Go to Sleep.”

I look forward to another Kindermusik day with your child next week!

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